Health Vision Statement

"Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies." --1 Corinthians 6:19-20
"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." --1 Corinthians 10:31
My body is a gift from God, one which I refuse to take for granted. Just as when a friend lends me a book, and I do all I can to keep it in pristine condition, I will strive to keep myself healthy and active, both through exercise and proper diet. I refuse to let complacency and whim dictate how I treat myself. Rather, I will continually push myself, not to the point of breaking, but to the point of thriving.

I will not let my limitations break my spirit or serve as an excuse to take it easy. Each weakness I have is a chance to test myself and learn. Therefore I promise to acknowledge my weaknesses and then put them behind me. Fear will not control me. When fear looks me in the eye and chills me to the bone, I will stare right back and smile. On the other hand, I refuse to sacrifice myself to an ideal of health that I can never reach. I am human; I am not capable of everything. Thus I will forgive myself for not succeeding every time.

Most of all, I will not let my motivation on this quest for health and vitality be to lose weight, or to garner praise, or to achieve any other temporal and/or self-serving goal. No, this is all for the glory of God.

  • If I don't feel very motivated, I will just focus on getting ready to work out.
  • If friends are not available, I will do my exercise session anyway.
  • If I don't have time for a full workout, I will at least do some élevés to build strength.
  • If I am sick, I will either do a shortened version of my workout or do some élevés.
  • If I am on vacation or out of town, I will go on a run around the area or do some élevés.
  • If I am bored of my workout, I will use an energizing playlist with new music.


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